Seattle's underground tunnels are actually the original sidewalks and first floors of buildings from the original city. When the retaining walls were built, they built them so high that the second floor became the first street level floor. The first floors were still used but eventually left to ruin. My family thought it would be fun to go underground and tour the rubble. I was sold when I found out Ghost Hunters had been there.
the original bar
walking down to the first floor from current street level (second floor)
GH has been here....I am going too.
Inside the room looking thru the window onto what was the sidewalk.
original toilet.......nasty
free ride....dogs were barking
little photo op....gotta hurry. They are leaving me with the ghosts.
ooohhhh see any ghosts???? yeah me either.......
stay close Shelbi. I don't want you to get lost down here.
we are thinking about going back up to the bar...lameooooooooo
we did not see any ghosts, but it was a fun tour.
(they paid me $5 to say that)