Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chevy's in Seattle

Homeys fav restaurant in Seattle is Chevy's. On our way back from Rainer we stopped off for dinner. Everybody knows what happens at a Mexican restaurant on your birthday.....right.

Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!

Diving into the chips. They have not fed me since Sonic. (Should I report that)

I am so full I can barely pull myself onto the plate.


Dempsey and G Dog
 (he said I can call him that)

This is what happens on your birthday at a Mexican eatery.
For the record, we did NOT tell them it was Homeys bday.

They must be out of big boy hats.!?

I made my own. I am really adorable : )

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Misc Adventures.....with food

Love of my Life!!

My birthday present to Homey.

time to stop celebrating your birthday

driving to Sonic.


Homey saves the day.

num num num num


GOTTA have my morning caffeine jolt.

just give me a moment please.

attack mode.

stomach pump......oxygen....insulin....
I need professional help. Where's a cop when you need one?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Seattle Underground Tour

Seattle's underground tunnels are actually the original sidewalks and first floors of buildings from the original city. When the retaining walls were built, they built them so high that the second floor became the first street level floor. The first floors were still used but eventually left to ruin. My family thought it would be fun to go underground and tour the rubble. I was sold when I found out Ghost Hunters had been there.

the original bar

walking down to the first floor from current street level (second floor)

GH has been here....I am going too.

Inside the room looking thru the window onto what was the sidewalk.

original toilet.......nasty

free ride....dogs were barking

little photo op....gotta hurry. They are leaving me with the ghosts.

ooohhhh see any ghosts????   yeah me either.......

stay close Shelbi. I don't want  you to get lost down here.

we are thinking about going back up to the bar...lameooooooooo

we did not see any ghosts, but it was a fun tour.
(they paid me $5 to say that)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quest for Big Foot

We sort of got tired of looking for Light Houses and decided to look for Big Foot.  I was a little scared, I can admit that. But, I hid my emotions and manned up.
Be Careful Shelbi!!!!

Does she see something? Is it him? CRAAAPPPP!!!!!!!

So dark, so very dark.

A bench.?.?..In the woods????

Time to take a load off.

At this point I am wondering if this is such a good idea...will we end up on an episode of America's Dumbest??????

My safe place...

We didn't find Big Foot, but, we did find a Captain.
Captain Homer.

Another sitting area. Big Foot is quite the entertainer.

So, as you can see we did not find Big Foot or anything close to it. We ended the search and hit the road again. There are still 4 more TJ MAXX stores to hit.

Flora and Fauna

Me at Port Wilson

National Park

Handsome MAN!

Where's Dempsey?

Here I am..

Skunk Bay Mushrooms..


I look good in lavender.

A little rock garden. It's just my size.

Wild Blackberries....they are DELICIOUS!

Homey likes them too.....